If you like us, please tell your friends. As part of our open philosophy, anyone is welcome to participate in all club events. ah, you get the point! Our best tools are our reputation, hospitality, philosophy, and others' word of mouth. No sponsors no Sugar Daddies no Molasses Mommies no Aspartame Aunties no. We are an independent group and are not funded by any outside sources. Unlike other organizations, we're not good at promoting our cause publicly. We just like to ride, and if we can bring people together one trail at a time, then so much the better. As a gay-friendly club, we are intimately aware of the sting of discrimination and are determined not to inflict that evil upon others. While comprised mainly of gay riders, the club is very open and welcomes both men and women of any sexual orientation who are interested in off-road riding. The club flourished and, in 2002, changed its name to Rocky Mountain Bicycle Boys, since some folks were intimidated by the 'from Hell' part of the name. The club, originally called the Bicycle Boys from Hell, was founded in 1985 by a small group of gay friends interested in riding some of the best trails around the state.